Strategic Social Proof Packages 

Social proof is an absolute necessity for any business, yet not all social proof is created equal.

Testimonials with vague pleasantries about how great you were to work with, or case studies written too formally about a company’s list of deliverables, aren’t doing much (if anything) to help you convince potential clients you’re the one for them. 

But strategic social proof? That’s a whole other ball game. 

Strategic social proof is compelling, effective, and powerful because it: 

  • Focuses on your program or service’s outcomes
  • Highlights exactly how your client experienced the value of your work
  • Speaks to transformation and emotionally connects with prospects 
  • Builds your credibility as someone who gets results
  • Helps you become known to provide certain outcomes
  • Sets you apart from so many others in your field

Getting strategic with your social proof is huge opportunity to stand out from your competition…

…and it’s an easy thing to optimize that can provide significant results.

So, how do you start getting strategic with your social proof?
With one of these Strategic Social Proof Packages, of course!

Strategic Social Proof Packages


  • Get yourself a fresh supply of juicy testimonials + lots of eye-opening feedback and insights directly from your clients without doing any of the leg work yourself.
  •  Not only will you have social proof that speaks directly to your program or service’s outcomes, but you’ll also have plenty of content ideas to use in your messaging and marketing that you know resonate with your target audience because it came directly out of your past or current clients’ mouths.

Strategic Social Proof
Starter Package


A 30-minute “client insights interview” with one client of your choice

Polished interview transcript

Key testimonial quotes + messaging opportunities uncovered on the call

A customized and strategic feedback survey to send to all of your clients (with use instructions for you)

Strategic Social Proof
Galore Package


A 30-minute “client insights interview” with three clients of your choice

Polished interview transcripts

Key testimonial quotes + messaging opportunities uncovered on the calls

A customized and strategic feedback survey to send to all of your clients (with use instructions for you)

Strategic Social Proof Investment

Starter Package: $500

Galore Package: $1,250

Curious how the process works?

Here’s my “Strategic Social Proof” process that requires little more from you than some background info and an email intro:

Step 1: Pick a Package

Let me know how many interviews you’d like me to do, and if you need help picking the best clients for me to talk to.

Step 2: Give Me the Details

After our work kicks off, you’ll fill out a brief questionnaire with background info on the client(s) I’ll be interivewing — as well the specific info I need to create your custom survey.

Step 3: Make the Intro

You’ll send an email that introduces me to your client(s), and then your work is done. (I’ll even tell you exactly what to say in the email!)

Step 4: We Get Juicy Insights from Your Clients

I schedule the interview with your client(s), then get to work on your customized survey. While I’m running the super juicy interviews that take up no more than 30 minutes of your clients’ time, you’ll be sending your customized survey to the rest of your client roster and watching the insights come in.

Step 5: Your Strategic Social Proof is Delivered

You’ll receive your polished interview transcript(s), key testimonial quotes, and messaging opportunties for social posts and other marketing. I’ll also help you cull through your survey responses to pull out the best insights and social proof.

If you know your clients have had great experiences with your service but you’ve never asked them for specific feedback… you’re sitting on unmined (messaging) gold.

That gold is inside your client’s brain, and once you extract it you’ll not only be able to speak to specfic outcomes in your social proof, you’ll also have:

  • a MUCH better understanding of how your work works
  • a big boost in confidence that you’re a bomb business owner who gets the job done
  •  the actual words, phrases, and themes to use in your messaging to attract more qualified leads and potentially close more sales, and
  • what your clients want more of (so you can optimize your offer or create something new)

If you’re ready to share testimonials showcase your results, then the Strategic Social Proof Packages were created for you.