Move your prospects from “maybe” to “YES”

I’m sure you’ve heard it said before:
customers don’t buy your service — they buy the transformation your service provides.

Yet so many businesses don’t spend enough time (if any time at all!) telling the stories of their clients’ success.

There’s a lot of logical reasons for this:

  • They’re too busy delivering their service
  • They don’t want to “bother” their clients by asking for feedback
  • They’re spending every spare moment finding new leads
  • They’re more focused on testing the right message or marketing strategy

Yet no matter how focused they are elsewhere in their business, the fact remains: results sell.

If you’re not sharing the stories of your customers’ success, you’re missing out on growing your business, turning leads into paying clients, and finally using a marketing strategy + message that lands the way you need.

About Me

Helping you find, tell, and share success stories that sell.

Hi, I’m Dana. Put me in charge of your case studies, and I’ll take this crucial task off your plate. You make the intro, and I take it from there… all the way to the beautifully designed, “oh my gosh — this is amazing!” end.

Here’s why I’m the
right gal for the job:

  • I run a flawless interview.

    With a background in journalism and close to two decades of writing experience in many different forms, I’ve talked to countless entrepreneurs, business owners, and corporate leaders to know what questions to ask, how to guide the conversation, and how to pull out the gems that will make your case study sing.

  • I treat your clients as my own.

    Not only am I personable, easy to talk to, and able to warm up to just about anyone, but I understand how worrying it can be to put your client in another person’s hands. I treat your clients with the exact same care I treat my own: with the utmost professionalism, respect for their time, and a commitment to make them (and you!) look and sound great.

  • I know the stories that sell.

    Don’t know which of your past projects would make the best case studies? I do. We’ll discuss what you need your case studies to do and who you want to reach…and I’ll help you pinpoint the perfect projects to achieve just that.

  • I don’t just write a case study; I help you use it.

    My extensive experience in writing web and marketing copy for small-to-midsize businesses— as well as my years of providing growth strategy to influencers turned personal brands —means I know how to squeeze the most juice out of a case study. Want to repurpose it for emails, sales pages, blog content, or website copy? The possibilities are endless.

Ready to shine a light on your customers’ success?