Results-Focused Web Copy Package

If you’ve ever sat down to write copy for your business’s website, you know how daunting and frustrating this job can be. There are so many things you want your prospective client to know (such as e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g) and yet it’s so hard to find the right words to say, well… anything!
If you added up all the time spent agonizing over the perfect message for your website, plus writing and re-writing it to sound just right, it would equal countless hours off your life. That is, if you didn’t just throw up your hands and say forget it!

Yet so much of this agony can be spared by doing one simple thing: basing your message — and your web copy — on your offerings’ results!

  • Not sure of the best hero headline for your homepage? Focus on your results.
  • Struggling to find the punchiest subheads for your About page? Swipe ideas from your results.
  • Wish more prospects would hit the “buy” button on your Services page? Serenade them with your results.

Your offerings’ results provide a treasure trove of positioning and messaging options for you — as long as you know what they are!

The first step to great web copy? Case studies! (It’s market research you can actually use)

If you’re the savvy business owner I think you are, you know how important market research is. The only way to speak effectively to prospective clients is to know as much about them as you can, such as who they are, what they really want (the answers may surprise you!), and how your services can help them meet their needs. You may have conducted market research in the past, or do it regularly as a way to gather data on your customers and prospects — and that’s great! But how often does the research you do, or pay someone else to do for you, sit on the hard drive of your computer untouched?

You might have…

… the world’s juiciest customer interviews … detailed lists of key messages that will work best with your target markets … or compelling infographics that show how your clients are using your service …but if they’re not in a format you can use and share with others, it’s like having a Porsche in your garage but never taking it out for a spin.  
When you use case studies as the basis for your web copy, you get all of that crucial market research packaged in a format that you can shout — and share — from the rooftops. Not only do you have all the intel you need to write web copy that resonates strongly with your prospects, but you also have marketing tools to post on your website, share on social media, and send off with your proposals. Now that is money well spent.

When you hire me for Result-Focused Web Copy, you’ll receive…

  • Customer research that uncovers the key benefits of your offering — as well as the key messages to use in your marketing — delivered through customer interview transcripts + a customized messaging roadmap (a value of $1,000)
  • Three pages of results-focused website copy for the most visited pages on your site: Home, About, & Services (a value of $3,000)
  • Results-focused website copy + wireframe for a new Results page that highlights your case studies in the way that works best for your business (a value of $1,000)
  • A minimum of three professionally designed and branded case studies that highlight three of your key clients (a value of $5,250)

Results-Focused Web Copy Package


Customized customer research and messaging roadmap


Case studies that close sales


Pages of web copy

Purchase together for



Curious how the process works?

Here’s my step-by-step process for creating Results-Focused Web Copy that resonates with your readers and helps you close more sales.

Step 1:

Customer research that leads to compelling case studies

We’ll kick off our project with a phone call or Zoom session where we’ll dive into what you want your case studies to do and who you want them to reach. Then, I’ll pinpoint the best subjects and stories to base your case studies around. After you use the provided email script to intro me to your clients, I’ll take it from there — interviewing, message-mining, writing, and polishing my research and transcripts into gorgeously designed and branded case studies you can use for the life of your business.

Step 2:

Next, I’ll write targeted web copy that focuses on your results

With all the juicy details I’ve gleaned from your clients about how your offering has impacted their lives, I’ll write web copy for the three most visited pages on your site — Home, About, and Services. I’ll use the intel from your case studies to not only shine a major spotlight on the results your clients have experienced, but position it so that prospective clients can see how similar results can be theirs, too. There is nothing more powerful — for your prospects or your sales — than having that third-party validation!

Step 3:

We’ll highlight your case studies in one impactful place

You’ve made the incredibly smart decision to create case studies about your clients’ experiences with your offering, and now it’s time to really show them off. To do it, I’ll write a Results page for your website that features your case studies as the stars they are, then provide you a wireframe that shows you (or your web developer) exactly how to format this all-important and super unique page. Once it’s up and running, you’ll have one central page to send to prospects who need a little nudge to seal the deal — or anyone else you think could benefit from your product, service, or course!

Step 4:

You’ll receive your case studies — the powerful sales tools you can use for the life of your business

To wrap up our project I’ll send you your case studies, which come professionally (and beautifully!) designed and branded as PDFs. Not only will you have results-focused website copy that features your clients and their success with your service, but you’ll also have three gorgeous PDFs to send out with proposals, share with prospects and clients, and promote through social media and email. The options for sharing are endless — as is the potential for their reach!

If you’re ready for website copy that shines a light on your clients’ success and helps you close more sales, it’s time for the Results-Focused Web Copy Package.